creepy bizarre compact hiding in my basement!


Registered Guest
So I was digging around in some old boxes in my basement, and I found a compact that I bought about 7 years ago. It's so wierd that I had to share, and ask you guys what you think is going on with the picture on it!

Anyways, I think it's 1920's, green enamel with metallic painted 2-headed figure. Very wierd. what is it? It looks to me like 2 babies in bonnets wearing a bunch of ties, but that's ridiculous i know. Any thoughts? lol

ok, now the real question. The only marking I could find was 2 barely visible markings on the inside. They almost look like a backwards N:S or N S with a dot in the middle. I've searched and searched, and nothing. Anyone seen one like this before that could be attributed to a particular maker?

Thanks guys! ha! 2 headed baby wearing ties. giggle.



Nothing really surprises me when it comes to the 20's, for me it's a sort of take off on the Egyptian theme possibly someone wanting to try out a variation and be different.

You also see in photo/ postcards with grown up ladies holding dolls which was a fashion in it's own right.
The N.S unless some one can come up with a maker with those initials I would say it could stand for Nickel Silver, when new and to the untrained eye might look like silver plate, stamped NS to either stop confusion or as a selling point over tin plate as many early compact were made in tin also Nickel silver been the next one up in quality.

Just my thoughts if some one can has more experience and knowledge then great.
it is an odd design, but a very cool compact! no help on the marks from me, either, but wanted to say it looks like a very interesting piece...there are quite a few avid compact collectors out there,goodluck!!!:hiya:
thanks for the feedback! Paul - I appreciate the mention of nickel silver. I bet you that's what it is, since it's stamped into the actual piece on the back (which is why it's coming up backwards.

If it is nickel silver, can it be cleaned by a silver polish? It's in pretty sore shape - the metal has a dirt and rust on it.
Nickel Silver is copper & nickel, with maybe a little lead or tin, but no silver you should be Ok with silver polish, try it on the inside first.
Thinking on I would try first with mentholated spirits as it might be a build up of grease that has got dirt on it, also I think under cleaned is better than over as it is 70 odd years old.
Lynne, this is awesome info! Perhaps I can attract the boudoir doll crowd to the compact too! In any case, it really reminds me of these sort of pampered women with their dolls - like little 1920's marie antoinettes.
the motif, look slike the face masks of the time, which one hung n walls? and those pin cushion things in china that are collectible. I'm not sure one should read anyhting inot the stylised motif, it is of two faces, hair etc of the period..or is that just what l see in it...
do let us know when you list it i would certainly like to bid on it.