Critique on two vintage outfits for a pro photoshoot.


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There is a BIG possibility of a professional makeup artist doing my makeup for free at a photo shoot, it's the real macoy, professional fashion photographer, fully equipped studio,
The condition is that I wear a vintage outfit or two as she wants to practice her skills with vintage styles makeup,

The thing is I was not planning on using a vintage outfits at this stage, it's not an kind offer I feel I should not pass over lightly,

Time is now not on my side!

Therefore I need a some advice on either how I can improve these vintage outfits, or what wrong with them and not very vintage correct.

Thank you very much in advance

Well to protect yourself and sign an agreement by adding some terms to your model release form. How is she going to use pictures as portfolio pictures? If this is a case put in the form that pictures are for portfolio only ....

If you are comfortable with havng your picture done. Dont do it.... But I feel it would be a good experience for you.

Thank you for your concern, I will bring that point up with the photographer, and look into it.
Originally posted by mingus107
I think the red outfit is spot on! The gloves and hat are the perfect touch.

Thanks, I not too sure about the shoe been right for a sort of 50's outfit ( the red one) and should I have a necklace with it also ?
I agree with Chris - find out how the photos will be used and make sure they will not be used in any way that could make you uncomfortable. My suggestion in terms of making the outfits more period correct is to wear a vintage bracelet with the black lace mini-dress and not elbow length gloves. Those gloves would have been worn with a long gown. By the time the mini was popular most women were not wearing elbow length gloves but short gloves and removing them when they checked their coats. Or at least that's what I remember!

With the red outfit I'd recommend lighter - nude hose. If you want to wear tinted do a light grey. I would wear a lower heeled pump -or one with a more '50's heel. I'd wear a brooch on the jacket but if you don't have a vintage one, the pearls would look great with this outfit.

These are just suggestions. Have fun!!!

Thanks Linn that is a good help, especially the broach not given too much thought too.

I check again on the copy right but as I paying and commitioning the shoot in the first place I lead to belive the copy right is mine.
Nope. it is the photographers even if you are paying. YOu are paying for the rights to use it. In setting fee photographers considers usage. Unless you have signed something that the photographer is giving you full rights to photo which means you can use the pictures for what ever you wish then the copyright is yours. Smart photographers do not sign these rights away.

If you are paying I hope there is a contract involved. I would put a clause about her limits in using the photos....

As the person in the picture you have rights to how the picture is used. So makesure a model release is signed.

Its funny with pictures. I am a profesional art director I have comisioned lots of photographers. The concepts for the pictures are mine... I show up with a crew of people and little sketches and layouts for how the picture is going to be. I have to sign contracts about photo usage. The client since they are paying me should have rights to the photos. No no no, I pay the photographer for full usage and I charge the client for limited usage. I dont want the client to walk off with my photos if they change agencies.

Way too much info... Sorry....

Now I take my own pictures and my life is much easier. I just have a model release form.
Just to chime in - I recently finished my legal class on copyrights, etc and totally agree. This is a very tricky area and you will be surprised at your lack of rights for usage of your likeness if you sign the photographers contract without reading or modifying. Ensure you have a very good contract that spells out usage of your photos. The photog should, under no circumstances, be able to realize future profits from your pictures (ie - they cannot sell them). Of course, UK law differs from US law but premise is the same. I was actually quite shocked at how the world of copyrights, etc works.

Great advice on a tricky subject. Read read read your contract and do not be afraid to mark it up, cross things, off etc. Do not allow yourself to get roped into something that you really dont agree with because you are uncomfortable with negotiating terms. Photographer may not sign but remember that you can always walk away if you are uncomfortable. Having said all this, I really hope you will post a couple finished product pics.

Good luck Pauline! Love that you are doing this and cant wait to see!
I can't tell if the jacket on the red ensemble is pulling a bit/is a bit small or if standing a little straighter would help. If it looks pulled once you get to the shoot, wear it unbuttoned or perhaps reduce a slight bit of bust if you can.

Also, someone using photos for their portfolio is fair use - you just don't want to be on a billboard later down the road...
Yes read your contract and dont be afraid walk away if thing look shady or not right. God forbid the images hit the internet without your permission....

We are straying off the point a little about copyright issues, Unless you have a lot of money it's hard to stop any Tom Dick or Harry putting up photos of you on the internet, do you spend all your life searching just in case they have done, as I say I paying for the shoot so I am controlling every aspect fully, and I been talking off and on with this photorapher for 18 months, the photogrpher just starting out in this profession as a photographer but she been a cat walk model for a number of years ( a size Zero Model) doing the very top fashion shows so she know inside and out and I trust her, if she can find a way of making money from a CD phots she be the first lol.

Thanks for the styles advice I reading it all and taking it all on board and will add the surgestion into the outfit.
It was not really off subject. What happens you dont like your photos? Contracts are free on the internet. Dont have to have alot of money

I have had a newbie stylist take my photos which I only authorized for portfolio use. I hold the copyright. She took my photos and photoshoped them and posted in her portfolio listing me as photographer. The pictures look horrible and she wont remove them from her site. Now its a big bad reflection on me and my model. I was stupid trusted the girl and did not have a release signed so I cant do much.

What happens you dont like your photos. The sytlist who is working for free uses them as portfolio peices posting on internet willy nilly its a reflection on you. Thats the point. If you dont care fine.
I know where you coming from and have thought about all this a long time ago all the in and outs , it's style advice I after.

As I am taking at the moment to the photographer and getting on well, sorting out the details etc I do not feel it right to put too much about it here even if you are trying to protect me.

I am sorry about your photos by the way.
I agree pearls with the red one and if you have or can fine open toed babydoll pumps would make this perfect!....I love the red one.

The black, i agree swithch use the shoes from the red