Date and material??


Registered Guest
Hi all, I bought this dress and several others in bulk at an estate sale, they are all the same large size but different materials and shapes. Does this look 60s to you? The material is textured and I dont know what it is, can you tell from the pictures? It has no zipper but buttons all the way down the front, the seems are pinked and it came with a matching belt, and it has medium thick shoulder pads sewn in it. There is part of a label on the neck but I can't tell what it is, do you know? Thank you for any help! KIMG2388.JPG KIMG2389.JPG KIMG2393.JPG KIMG2390.JPG KIMG2392.JPG
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Hi Pinkie. It looks like late '40s-early '50s nylon plisse to me. Do you have a pic of the shoulder pads? That will help narrow it down. Fabric is hand wash.
Oh wow I was way off. Still learning though. I took a picture of the belt too, it says 18 1/2 washable. Thank you very much for your reply! KIMG2400.JPG KIMG2401.JPG KIMG2399.JPG
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