Date check on interesting beret (more photos added)


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Hi guys,

I have this nifty beret that I thought was 60s, but I have only seen other Bernallen Modes hats from the 50s. I leaned 60s because that it has cello (i think) as a part of it.

Whaddya think?
Chris, it sure looks 60s to me, except that the pretty rhinestone embellishment looks more 50s--I would be wishy washy and call it a late 50s/early 60s! I do have berets from earlier than the 60s (not with cello, though, but I have some cello ones from early/mid 60s).
I was looking really hard for the cello, but I couldn't see any stringed instruments - not even a violin!

And then I realised it might mean cellophane. Am I right, or am I still an idiot?! :embaressed:
Thanks...I was thinking so, but there are some styles of hats I am just a bit fudgie on. I just always think 60s when I see cello.

TinTrunk - nope, you are not an idiot :)
Originally posted by hipvintage
Hey, Chris! Lovely hat, but your gal needs some moisturizer. :P


No she doesn't Janine - she is just showing her realness just like the Jamie Lee Curtis letting her hair go gray thing. She is just into natural beauty. Wondering if i could paint her. Probably not. But she does have a cool rubber bottom :)