Date Check please on Hilfiger please?

Not real special, but i think its really cute.. i love checks.

this little check mini skirt has a metal side zipper, and no waist band.. is it 70's or a 70/80's cusper??

They just did a feature recently on Tommy on a Sunday morning show.. he seemed so charming.. i was quite impressed at his roots and background.

btw.. surprising, we don't have Hilfiger on the label resource for me to compare.

thank you~

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I'm not very familiar with Tommy Hilfiger, but according to Wikipedia he started his own shop in the '70s. It's not clear when he started designing - it sounds like it's early '80s? Of course, he could have been putting his label on clothes in his shops much earlier than that.

The label you have looks more modern than '70s to me - and the style looks somewhere around '85-95 so I'd be tempted to put it there, despite the metal zipper. I look forward to hearing what others have to say.

Thanks Nicole.. the zipper and no waist band is throwing me as well.. the mannequin is 6'2, so on an average person the skirt is NOT a mini.. it was late last night and i wasn't thinking clearly. .its knee length.

I don't think i could put it on RL, but was hoping for Melissa's shop on etsy.. but wanted to make sure it was indeed old enough.

will hold off for other opinions too. :)
ooooo! i LOVE gingham!! and that is a nice, simple, classic summer skirt!

but dates on Hilfiger? ugh. SO difficult. I really don't know, and can't offer any help, Von, sorry ~

i'd be wary of putting it on RL, too, Etsy would probably be better