Date check please on this Coral dress


Registered Guest
Its me again! :-) I was wondering what yall think the date is on this, When I saw it in the garment bag I thought it was 80s. but then when i took it out it had an older feel. especially once i got it on the mannequin and saw how it hung.

So I am torn between 50s and 60s. The cut is too short for the 50s I think personally? but the waist looks 50s and so do the button/broches. so maybe its that late 50s early 60s line? Yes has a metal xipper down the back but extremely long!

Thank you alll for your help!
p.s. fabric

sorry,,, another question what is the technical term for this style of fabric thanks. its2 layers.. the top is the one "crimped" and seems to be some type of chiffon

this picture shows it better thanks!!
lol tnx kk
i didnt know if you were up and i wanted to get it on tonight... i am so well.. i dont know how i feel about e-bay
they cancelled all my listing said i violated policey... but at least they responded within 3 hours and told me that it was there error..woowoo so i spent 2 hours just relisting and pulling out anything they might take as a "link" lol

any who... what to do....
Yes mary I am sorry.... on my screen they dont mess with me screen... I dont have to scrolll... I guess eahc setting is different.. I thought I had fixed it.. I am sorry mary I will make them smaller from now on :-) will half the size work good?

once again sorry :-(
typically if a file is 500 pixels wide or less it will fit better

and thank you for working on the sizing! thing is, when they're really wide like that, i tend to just close the thread and go on to something that is easier/less time-consuming to read.

and i agree w/60's and accordian pleating

great stuff, Jennifer, really great stuff!
I think this is very, very late 60s or very early 70s, a true cusper--could be on either side of 1970 by a year or so. If I recall correctly, Miss Elliette was one of those "mid-range" design houses--not cheap, not very expensive--of nice quality but not ground breaking or leading edge in its designs--at least not based on the pieces I've had with that label. So this design could have lagged into the 70s. I've always liked the label's fabrics (I had a nice crepe dress a while ago--delightful fabric).
Lynne is our queen of web resource finds!

Jennifer, I would also go with late 60s on this dress.
