Date help needed-- Ivory Dress & Coat set

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Howdy all!

I suppose I should've asked questions BEFORE listing this.. but in my morning rush to GET STUFF DONE, I just slapped it up there.

But now I'm wondering if thisreally is early 60's as I've dubbed it.... or is it more like mid-late 60's? I can always change the catagory...

What do you think?

Also.. are my prices horrendous one way or the other? I'm in a mad dash for cash-- I've got bills to pay!

and while yer at it... how about this one?

Sherlock-ette kilt & cape set

I put it as 60's (I can type MUCH faster than I can think!) but it's likely 70's, huh?


ps-- just saw your note about the pics.. it checked out fine earlier! What'd I do now?? I'll go look :-)
could you tell me which pics? I've looked over the HTML on the images and everything looks fine... but maybe i'm just not looking in the right place...


can't, for the life of me, figure out why those weren't working. When you click on the URLs you provided in the last post, do you get an image?

I'm so confused!

Plus.. my computer recently randomly changed how it did certain things.. and suddenly my Front Page editor isn't saving stuff the same way anymore. Grrrr.

One of the missing photos is back. The other one is still MIA. It's the first one in the first row of photos. The other one that had been missing and is back is the big one at the top left.
yeah-- I got rid of the one at the top since I now have it on my Store banner anyway. Trying to make these templates easy to switch from website to ebay when needed.

hmmm not sure why that first images isn't working. Is it clickable? If so, can you see the larger image after clicking it?

confused... need.. more... coffee.... it's sooo muggy here today!

<sigh> I can't for the life of me figure out why it's not showing up for you. The HTML is fine... I suppose I could be blind, though.
Wish I could figure this out.. it's making me feel silly!

thanks for your help, though :)

Kristine - on your kilt/cape set - Jenners is quite a top range department store in Edinburgh, basically the Harrods of Scotland, and priced accordingly! You can bet this set cost a fair bit when new!
Don't know if it would help having Jenners in your title - but I definitely think you have a low starting price.
Thanks Jonathan-- I'll change it to the later catagory, then. :)

Originally posted by artizania
Kristine - on your kilt/cape set - Jenners is quite a top range department store in Edinburgh, basically the Harrods of Scotland, and priced accordingly! You can bet this set cost a fair bit when new!
Don't know if it would help having Jenners in your title - but I definitely think you have a low starting price.

Do you think the price is too low even given the moth damage?

and to think.. I found this in Hawaii....
