Date Help, Please


Registered Guest
This might be earlier than I was originally thinking.....

I bought this little beauty for dirt cheap. It was still in the box!!

Thanks for you help!




....or it could be that I watch too many old movies? I'm waiting for someone to say it might be '50s or even '70s. Some styles were popular for a while, although I think of this as being very '60s. Always happy to hear others opinions :)

-> Mary -> Thanks! I was confused because they are longer than panties... with the elastic legs they probably stay up higher on a real body than they hang down.
Well, I'm going to be the one who pops in and says I think this is 50s, or early 60s. Primarily because the upper bodice treatment--neckline and those little puffy cap sleeves, looks SO 1950s to me. Nicole's right about the styles hanging around for a bit, but I have several 50's gowns and slips (that I know are 50s) in this color as well. Seems to have been a popular color back then. And the tag looks older, too, but that can be deceiving.

Oh, and did I forget to say that it is absolutely adorable????