Date Help With Broadtail Persian Lamb and Mink Jacket


Registered Guest
I believe that this lovely jacket is persian lamb with mink cuffs. Generally, I do not deal with fur, so I could be wrong about that as well. I have a guess as to the age of this jacket, but I would appreciate any help beyond just a guess. I am also curious as to what you would call the collar and jacket styles. The tag says "Sams Bros, Bay City, MI." My research has not come up with any information on that company. Thank you in advance for sharing your expertise.

<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /></div>
It looks sweet! Can you post just pictures? The film doesn't give my old eyes enough time to look/drool. It looks early 1960s Persian Curly Lamb with mink trim, but I really need(& want) to see still pictures!
Thank you so much for your help! Jackie O was my first thought when I saw this jacket and exactly the reason that I bought something that I would have normally passed on! When researching the fur, I ran across articles that talked about Persian Lamb being popular in the 40s, but nothing about this style said 40s to me. I needed to post it to be sure before I list it.

Atticville: I am having trouble getting still pictures to post here. After the video plays, you should be able to click on "see full album" to see and enlarge the still pics. If that does not work, I would be happy to e-mail you some still pics.

Thank you again for sharing your expertise!