Date me please! Shoes.....


Registered Guest
Okay- these are "joyce California" sized 7N , square-ish, round-ish toe (is there a name for that!?) & I purchased them with the description dating "60's"
what do you think?
they dont look particularly old, l think they are vintage in style...can you get a close up of the buckle? and inner soles?
I am getting so discouraged- I am just learning to date Vintage so I guess I will learn by my mistakes :( There is so much to learn! I believe sellers when they date their items. Guess I wil do more research before buying.
Thanks for your help.
Okay- here are more pics:
A pair of sandals with similar heel and toe shapes recently posted came with a bill of sale for 1977 - I suspect these are right about the same time. Joyce was a company that was bought out by General Shoe, I think it was, and the label was dropped in the 80s.
thank you Jonathan! I googled "joyce Califonia" and did not come up with much information.
It can be discouraging when you're first starting out buying. Some sellers have a good foundation of knowledge and are willing to dig deeper when needed, and others are either lacking in knowledge or ethics.

It helps to deal with sellers who you have reason to trust, either from direct experience or some sort of "credentials".

That's why VFG has a link to eBay on the home page that you can use to shop VFG members. The VFG board checks out each prospective member for accurate and complete listings and ethical selling practices. Then the membership gets to give input before a new member is approved. I'm constantly amazed (and awed :adore: ) at the depth of knowledge here.

So don't give up!!
I agree: until you build up your knowledge, trade with sellers you can trust to know their stuff.

The world is awash with traders who either don't know as much as they claim or (hopefully less so) will mislead with their datings.
Yes, 70s was my guess, confirmed by Jonathan. Really, don't be discouraged. These are still vintage shoes, and they're cute. I have had a lot of luck selling my 70s shoes lately. Joyce shoes were very popular in the 60s, 70s & 80s. Not a real upscale name, but nice quality, and comfortable. I must've owned a dozen or more pairs over those years; they were great shoes for the career wardrobe!
thank you all for the support, tips and advice. i will try the link to ebay - then I do know what I am getting :) i'm sure i'll be back for more tips - i am so excited to be learning all of this through people who know what they are doing- it make looking and finding so much more fun!