Date on this Parnis? 60's or 70's ??


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Date on this Parnis? 60\'s or 70\'s ??

I like to think I know eras to a certain point but dresses such as the silk Mollie Parnis below still confuse me at times. The bell sleeves bring me to believe it may be 70's as does the length but the fabric and style of the dress seem a bit more 60's...
Is this Parnis label a good one?
Thanks everyone!

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Ooh... what a pretty dress. I'm no expert... but could it be early 70's? the colors and vibrant print make me think that. But I've also seen bell sleeves in late 60's garments. This is a tough one - could be teetering right on the edge of two decades. Looks like a nice quality dress.

Hey thanks! It is high quaility, I love it when there is sheer silk chiffon and silk twill of the same pattern in the same dress..
Cusper huh? OK, so my confusion may be warranted then! That makes me feel better!
Fabulous! That fully answers my question then! I did not even think to look at the label resource! Need to do that more often!

Yup, every one I've had with that label has been early 70s. Just had a fab op art print up, and unfortunately it ended without bids.