Date on Trenchcoat...early 80s perhaps?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
This was in a selection of coats I acquired. The rest are already in my mall store. Its a little out of season (for most of the northern hemisphere anyways), but i thought I would put it in my store because you never know who is thinking about spring or is in a different climate.

A well made, if not flashy, trenchcoat. Ties can fasten at the front, or they can be tied out of the way in the front.

Its on my half girl form on the top picture, and on the male dressform on the bottom. It is too small and doesn't close on the Man-iquin as it is smaller than a 42" bust, but I wanted to show the back.

What do you think about date? late 70s/early 80s perhaps?
Or am I off. Sizing wise, its about a 38/39" bust so shy of what a modern 10 would be in something like this. so i was guessing that it was about that time frame. Open to being wrong of course. Label gave me no clue. Only one button in the front near the waistline. Aside from the button at the neck of course if one wanted to wear the neckline banded. I think i might need to take another pic.




It's giving me an 80s feel, something about the gathering at the sleeve cuffs looks 80s.
I think 80s (late) Chris, but really have nothing to base this on.

I just remember some jackets with that kinda collar earlier for some reason maybe 80/81. okay, so maybe 80s still but later on. I am willing to go with that :)
Oh..and does the made in poland label mean anything. (not that it makes it instantly sought after....but does it signify a level of quality or signify a narrower time frame.) I don't know too many items that were made in poland clothing wise so i am asking. If it were FOR poland it would be written in polish. No other maker label, and it is very prominent so thought i would ask. Unles "made in poland" was a brand