Date this Cowichan Style Knit Jacket?


Registered Guest
Hello all, I snagged this from a garage sale. I'm thinking it's 40s or early 50s.
There is no label (could be home knit) but the zipper says flash on the pull and says Canada on the back. Anyone have any idea? Am I close or no dice?


Fabulous sweater!

No help on the date, but wanted to say this is not a true Cowichan sweater. The Cowichan sweaters are made in British Columbia by the First Nations. They have very distinctive patterns and use only natural coloured wool.
and Jonathan I saw that fur swim suit get favored by someone in my circle. That is quite an interesting piece and I'd love to know who wore it and what they wore it for! Reminds me of something Jane would wear for Tarzan as that is how my thoughts run...