Dates on some shoes & purses please!

I am not sure if these are 80's, 90's or more current?? Made in Italy by Vivelle. Suede and patent leather. Love that dominatrix look!!

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Adore this clutch in cherry red patent. Quite large, measures 16.5" across. Is it 60's??

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Check out the inside!

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Last one has faux tortoishell handles. 1970's??

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Thanks for any comments!!
I sold an almost identical purse in black when i first started on ebay..but yours is cooler with the ineterior and the color! I would definitely say 60s on that one.

those shoes are very intriguing! i like em because they are different! Remind me of the sort of 1988-1992 doc martens grunger crowd later gone 9 to 5. Love it! i am not saying that's a real date but that reminds me of that. actually, i had black granny shoe lace up heels that were that sihouette but a much boxier square tow in the early to mid 90s.

but if i had those with the rubber soles i wouldn't have fallen flat on my face
I'm clueless on the shoes, but agree that the red purse looks 60s and the black one looks 70s. :D

oh Bonnie!! I LOVE that red purse!

Please let me know when it's listed somewhere! I probably won't be able to afford it.. but I can at least drool!

I'm still kicking myself... back when I lived in Hawaii I found and listed a lipstick red very vampy purse... very long, just like yours. I still miss it!

For what its worth Bonnie and coming in late as usual, these are pretty much recent.

All very nice but I would be saying contemporary here...
