Dating (40's-50's?) Korekt neckties with original tags

Robin of Frocksley

Registered Guest
Hoping you all can help me date these two super fun rayon ties. They have the original paper tags, including a store tag (with a price of $1.00). I haven't been able to find anything about Korekt and am clueless with menswear in general, but the prints/colors make me think 40's or 50's? Any help would be fantastic, thanks!
20160807_155107.jpg 20160807_155458.jpg 20160807_155749.jpg 20160807_155817.jpg 20160807_155609.jpg
I think I figured out they're 40's! Finally thought to research the stores on the labels and found that Andrew Young was selling both men's clothing and men's furnishings at that address according to an ad in the January 31st, 1946 edition of the Buffalo Courier-Express. I would still love to find out more about Korekt.