Dating a handbag


Registered Guest

I think this bag is from the 1940s, but I want to be certain. There are no labels. Can you please help identify the era?
I think you might need to resize your photos - my screen is all wonky and I have to scroll quite a bit to see. 500x500 seems to be good.
i lOVE that bag!! but ~

hmmm...i dont' want to rain on any parades? but that looks very much like early-1990s Balinese/Indonsian work, to me. especially w/the fabric binding, and the rough finish on the interior of the lid/flap.

there was piles and piles and piles of it all over Bali ~ 1990-92.
I bought it at an antique store and one the price tag said 1940's. Shoot, I hope it's not 90's! I can say that it feels old. Maybe it's one of those items you have to see/touch in person? Don't get me wrong, I'm open to feedback (that's why I posted here.)
Also, (if it makes any difference) it was originally black, it has faded to the reddish color.

I am also getting a "made for the tourist trade" feel from this handbag. The fact that the dyes have faded on the straw is another clue, as is the inferior made lining inside. I haven't seen any old vintage straw bags with color fade like that. This reminds me of the Asian sandals that were popular back in the late 80s 90s, with the same woven straw and same fabric trimming.

It is cute and I love the colors

Thank you: I agree with the others, south eastern Asia for the tourist trade, fairly modern.

Antique stores sell all kinds of things, and we're all prone to misdating when we're out of our area of expertise. I once got thrown out of an antique shop for telling the seller her "Victorian" gown was a particularly shabby WW2 dinner dress.

Oh bummer. I'm convinced though. Thank you all for your help. It happens. It explains (maybe) why the bag was particularly cheap.

Hey, I learned some things though. Thank you again.
yes, unfortunately there are a LOT of sellers who buy inventory at garage sales for cheap cheap cheap and turn around and plop it in their antique mall with incorrect dating.

at least it IS a really cute bag!
any chance you could put your pictures on Flikr? we might be able to see them then, photobucket's a bit of a pain for making things disappear!