Dating a Kitty Copeland Dress


Registered Guest
I bought this Kitty Copeland dress as a 40's dress from ebay. As it has a size 14 on the label and a nylon zipI am thinking it is not 40's. Could it be 50's at all?
As Tricel was only trademarked (regd.) in 1954 your dress must be newer than this.
The vast majority of Kitty Copeland dresses I see are from the 1960's. The measurements given on your dress for a size 14 are not quite as small as those I find on a 1970's 14 but close, and it doesn't have the washing symbols that tend to be present by 1970 so I'm pretty sure this is 1960's.
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never heard of the kitty copeland label before this. nothing useful to add, as it's already been said, mostly just commenting to say what a lovely gown it is.