dating and how do you wear this pink looped ribbon or straw hat?


I don't know what this is made of- it feels plasticy but could be like an acetate ribbon or maybe straw I just don't have a clue but I know it's extremely lightweight.

I've taken pics of a couple of angles but don't know how it should be worn - If I assumed the label and v went at the back that would make it beret style but I get the feeling it should be higher on the head - perhaps to one side like a fascinator?

Is there a name for this sort of hat? Does it have any age?





Pretty! It dates from the early to mid 1950's. After WWII there were a TON of man made materials used for hats, and many new types of straws were used. Yours looks (from the photos) to be a synthetic straw, probably made of cellulose and then glazed with something (plastic film, etc). Switzerland was a big importer and maker of novelty straws and straw braids (natural and synthetic) after WWII.

Although it was probably not called it at the time, I would call it a cocktail hat, as that rings in with the young collectors who are looking for these hats. Wear it with the tag in back, and move it around on the head until it feels "right" on the skull. It probably was meant to go more to the back of the head, to reveal the front and sides of the wearer's hair do. But if it looks cuter worn to the front or tilted, then wear it or show it that way. But don't refer to it as a tilt hat (please) as that would be incorrect and is a term that is over used and often incorrectly used.

Wonderful shade of pink and it should do well for you.