Dating Checkered Blouse


Registered Guest
Hello Everyone!
I was wondering if you can help me date this blouse. I don't know if you can tell but it has a ruffle neckline and the buttons are in the back. It's not labeled and there's something about the feel of it and the stitching that makes me think it was a homemade piece. Any ideas? If you would like me to post more photos, please let me know! Your expertise is greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance





I'm curious - it looks to me like the blouse must button in the back (there are bust darts on the side without the buttons) - I've always thought that was pretty typical of 1950s-1960s. Were there many back-buttoning blouses after that?

I get a little earlier feeling from it, - more late '50's than '60's but it could be early '60's. If it's long enough to tuck in a the waist, I can see it with black Capri's and ballet flats - hair in a pony tail.
Yes, Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island! Another pert & sassy gal, and this blouse is pert & sassy.... I think the image of this with capri or cigarette pants, ballet flats, and a pony tail is perfect.
Thank you all so much for sharing your knowledge and wonderful comments! It feel like it might be cotton with possibly some linen. It did remind me of the blouses I had seen women wear in the 50s and 60s movies with yes, capris or cigarette pants. Come to think of it Laura Petrie and Marianne do come to mind!:) Thanks again! I hope everyone's week is off to a good start!