Dating Daniel Green shoes


Registered Guest
I have these slippers that look almost brand new...quilted white leather with gold details and stone colored suede-ish looking bottoms. The only thing really wrong with them is that the insole glue is starting to darken with age.

I looked on the Daniel Green website hoping to find dating reference and font types they've used but no luck.

Looked at the label resource here and Daniel Green isn't listed.

So how do I go about dating these?



l don;t know anything baout this shoe maker/designer...l'm more interested in how you 'framed'' your images like you have?!"
do tell..
:) sarasattic, I use JASC Paint Shop Pro, and one of the selections for a frame is that brush stroke so I place it on almost all of my pics.

In paintshop, you have the ability to make your own frames but I corrupted the last frame I made so I stick with the ones that come with the software.
Thanks, Janine. I was thinking 80's too because I know that the font back in the 50's and 60's was much far as ads that I've looked at.

I'm off to find a Daniel Green ad from the 80's hopefully. :)
thanks angie, or is it reee? for that info...the images look so l dont kow querky and kinda quaint like that.

btw l took your happy banner and linked it to my links page on my site, hope thats ok...
Hi, Sara. No, it's not free I paid like $20 USD on eBay for it but it's well worth it to me because of all the photo playing and artwork I get to do.


Thank you for posting my banner - no problem!
Well judging by the typeface used, I would say they are late 80's or 90's - using all caps with a title caps at the front of each word was a trendy type style at that time.