Dating Dress? - 1960s?


Registered Guest
Hi everyone, I'd like some confirmation that this is a 1960s? Thank you!


that is very pretty, Paige, but with that lining fabrication, it looks much more modern than 60s to me.

it actually very much reminds me of custom made dresses that we used to find at little shop down the street from Tower Records in HNL( in 1999-2000) where skilled Korean and Filipino ladies were busy knocking off designer dresses and suits. (however this dress is kind of poorly finished with the unfinished seam allowances). it is cute as can be, though!
Mary, thanks for your input! Thats really great to know. I'm curious how certain you are, though. As uneducated as it may seem, when smelling the dress (I haven't gotten around to washing yet!), it reminds me greatly of an older dress. It just has that smell. The construction, also, reminds me of something more vintage than modern. I do love it! I'd love if I could fit into it, also!

Brenda, thank you! That is really great to know! I was very curious about that.
I think this may have been made/altered for costume - what I see is a more modern lightweight linen? straight full length shift dress that has been changed into a 1960's style fitted dress, probably with an old zip put in. Look at the size of that hem - if it were let down again that must be close to full length, but this wouldn't suit the current shape. The patterned lining looks like a modern upholstery or furnishing fabric probably chosen for it's weight to strengthen the structure of the new design - if it had been altered without this it would be too floppy. The addition of the white lining was to highlight the eyelets in the embroidery design. I don't think the original dress was lined at all.

Can you show close ups of the embroidery, particularly where it appears to cross a seam below the bust? and of the overlocking at the waist seam if any.
look at the length of the zip! that tell us this was a full length evening gown, if it was a shorter cocktail length dress the zip wouldn't be that long. that also ties in with the depth of the hem, it has been shortened. don't be deceived by the smell of the fabric or the construction. people are making dresses from vintage patterns, using vintage fabrics and even the original zips etc. a lady brought some into my shop once and was most indignant when i wouldn't buy them because they weren't vintage. she couldn't understand what i meant!

i agree the lining looks like a more modern upholstery fabric, and you wouldn't line a dress with this normally

My first impression about the dress is how sloppily it's made. Everything is done poorly, from the zipper installation to the ugly unfinished cut edges. Is it just an extremely cheap knockoff, a quickly made wear-one-time-and-then-trash-it dress? It doesn't appear to be seamstress-made or made with any kind of care.