dating identical purses

Good evening everyone. I have an inquiry today- I have two nearly identical tapestry purses with the exception that one has a flap and snap and the other just a flap. The other difference is the labels- one is marked "Made in Italy exclusively for Walborg" and the other "Magid Hand Made in Italy. " I'm unsure is these are 60s or 80s? I'm leaning towards 80s due to the fabric metalllic strap. Thoughts?
Many thanks!
Do you have interior shots of lining and construction? I'm thinking it's late 90s even. That style was popular then.

While the shape looks later, I think they are 1950s to early 1960s ....the fabric is identical to another Magid bag I have from the mid 1950s. That sparkly tapestry was used in home accessories as well as fashion accessories during that time, and I have a few runners with that same fabric and similar gold braid edging, all 50-60s. Can you show the tags?

Thanks for the interior shots - it makes dating much easier.

The Magid one is fairly modern: '80s or '90s. The Walborg one is earlier, could be '50s or '60s as Barbara says.
