Dating two vintage umbrellas


where to begin? I suspect these date between the 50's & 70's on the general colours /feel of things. If I remember correctly the only issue is the green umbrella's closure strap has gone, but I can remedy this I think. I haven't been able to find anything on the net to help me date them so I'm now turning to you for help please.




Ah, the solution there, is to find your local mechanic! My Dad supplies me with plenty of boxes, they come in all shapes and sizes and are always double strength as they normally carry 10kg lumps of metal. For umbrellas you want to ask for something like a spring box.

Thanks for the dates, for some reason I always thought the red one was later because of that label, which looks 70's to me.
I agree that the printed one is more recent: I would put as '60s or even '70s. Cute handle!

The other one does look older, although the prongs on the end of the spokes are similar. I'll go with '40s or '50s.
My only problem with selling these ( which I have dozens of) is packaging.
I never know how to ship them and find the right size box.

we've used the long skinny triangular boxes from the USPS successfully ~ they provide enough room for a large (wide) handle, and can be cut to length easily. We use crumpled kraft paper to help fill up the spaces along the body of it, and roll it in another sheet (or two) of kraft to slide it into the box easily. Works GREAT! and our post office always has them on hand.

that print one is adorable, Melanie, and the bamboo handle on the pink/mauve one is great!