de pinna image


Registered Guest
I found this item this weekend and have no idea what to use to research it. The format is like a film cel. Have not opened the frame to look closer. Thanks for your help
Hi Eleisa.

I invited Eleisa here after she emailed me about this. De Pinna was a very nice men's, and then later men's and women's shop on Fifth Avenue. Was advertising art drawn on celluloid or acetate sheets like this?
Could be what you would call a stat.... An artist would not most likely not have drawn it on acetate. He would have done it on board then a stat on acetate would be made for print if it were printing over a layer of color or a backround..... In the old days it was called a mechanical. I did this for about a year or so before the MAC saved my life.....

Looks like a bad stat.... I have made many of them in the day.....

