Deborah Newall 70s Dress?


VFG Member
usually the problem with not being able to upload photos is because the photos are too big. try resizing them to something like 450 pixels wide and see if that does the trick.
Also, if you are uploading from your computer using the "browse" function, you won't see your photo in preview mode; you have to go ahead and post it.

If you want to post more than one photo in one post, which is better than making several individual posts, each with one photo, the thing to do is to upload the photos to a picture-hosting service (photobucket, flickr, etc.) then copy the image codes (IMG) into your post.

(When you come back to post your photos, please don't start another thread--post them to this one.)
please contact me for info on deborah newall dress . I used to model for her in the 60s and know that dress well Jean