Detergent for "delicates"? Can't find thread...


VFG Member
Detergent for \"delicates\"? Can\'t find thread...

A while back someone posted about a special detergent that was expensive, but apparently well worth it, and I think only available online. I now have quite a few early silk items that the dry cleaner doesn't want to touch. Anyone remember? Or ideas?
I suspect you are referring to Orvus paste, but I have never used it to wet-clean silks.

Orvus paste is also used to clean horses, so it is less expensive to buy it through stores that carry supplies for horses. I buy it in large containers through a restaurant supply place, the name of which I forgot, but I can look it up if you are interested in a quantity of it.
Eucalan is also carried by cloth diaper stores. I'm not sure how pricing varies - you might want to compare several different sources.

I bought Euclan on - was it Claire's? - suggestion, on Ebay. Used it to wash a vintage Irish mohair throw and it came out beautifully - better in every way than a dry cleaner's would've managed.

I don't think the label mentions anything about using it for silk - let me go have a look. No, doesn't mention silk but doesn't mention wool or any other fiber by name either. Just "No rinse delicate wash".

I've used Orvus on everything, from horses (bathing the entire animal) to wool, silk and rayon (spot removal only) to cotton and linen (hand washing). Look for it at any tack shop or farm/animal supply store. It used to come only in that 2 lb. tub... expensive, but I'm still using the tub I bought 5+ years ago & will be for another 5 :)
