Dial up ~Do slow loading pages drive you NUTS?

Ok.. i have what i think to be a legitimate gripe~

According to the Boston Globe, 68% of US internet users connect via broadband~ guess who's NOT on broadband!

They just don't even offer it out here in the boonies, despite my Ft. Worth zip code. And evidently there are others that it IS available to, but dial up supports their internet needs and they stay with it.. Well, at least I'm not alone on the dial up thing. Satellite is not a financial option.

but.. my problem is SLOooooooooow web sites, even ebay pages where the seller has their page so bogged down with graphics, it takes forever to open. And I have no patience. I don't care how good the item can possibly be, click, I'm gone. Researching for me takes forever.

And now the major problem~ the site to go to in the "ebay exodus" that loads fast for us dial up users. Selfishly, its for me uploading and creating the site, but also for that potential 32% that I want MY site to load fast for them to browse.

Anyone else here on dial up still?
Have you found a great web hosting site that loads reasonably quick?
Any of the "new" auction sites seem to load reasonably quick for you??


http://www.rubylane.com/shops/vintagepretties ~ fabulous vintage clothing & collectibles
I feel your pain...

I'm on dial-up, too. Half the time I can't get the links here to load & the pics here take forever & a day. I usually do aomething else while I'm waiting...

I found specialistauctions.com to load quickly enough. Maybe I'm just getting used to how slow my modem is. LOL Also, HiBidder.com was okay-time wise.

All my pics are on photobucket & villagephotos. Photobucket seems to take longer when I upload pics to the site. I used to use ranchoweb & it's pretty fast with dial up, too.

For everything else I highly recommend GoDaddy.com
They're really good at customer service, the rates are reasonable, & they have so many services it'll make your head spin. When I re-open, I'm definitely using them to design my web site. I don't have the skills & their work is really good.

Good Luck, Yvonne!
There use to be some software around to speedup download times, not a clue if it worked, it could be worth at least looking into
Thanks so much! thats what i was looking for ~ a quick loading site, not only for me but hopefully customers that dont leave in impatience. :)

I'm going to try them.