Did you find any vintage in your stocking this year?

nope..not me..my family don't get it at all...l'm a constant source of laughter, ridicule and derision alas!! however my nephew did buy me two arty books which l appreciated..the ART BOOK and THE PHOTO BOOK, in the faxcimile versions as l have the heavy unreadable after 5 minutes coffee table versions...LOL.. anyone else luckier!!
I never get any vintage. They are clueless on what to buy. Though I bought myself avintag 40's mexican silver reindeer pin and a too die for sterling silver and amber 1970's modernist necklace.

No vintage in my stocking either but I did have a Secret Santa who sent me all sorts of vintage including a beautiful huge blue stone brooch, a vintage handbag, cute Spaghetti poodle figurines and lots more.

Also received a poodle scarf from a kind friend. Thank you. :wub:

We did have all our family here over the weekend and ate lots of delicious food. We were really blessed.

A copy of my grandparent's wedding photo given to me by a thoughtful aunt and uncle. My grandparents are celebrating 60 years of marriage this holiday season. Its quintuple-y special, as also pictured in the photo are three of my great-uncles (my grandfather's identical twin brother as best man, plus their two other brothers. One is alive and well, one passed away well before I was born from shrapnel poisioning). And two of my great aunts (my grandmother's sister - she passed away) and my grandma's best friend who was also bride to be to my grandfather's twin brother - so she is my great-aunt too. (she is alive and well). There is only one person in the photo that i am not related to (a friend of my grandmothers)
I got vintage from my Secret Santa friend too :wub:

Didn't get any vintage from family though although I got something kind of vintage related, a reproduction Cope style sidesaddle safety stirrup for my Edwardian sidesaddle. My saddle only has a roller bar fitting for the stirrup so it's not safe so you need a special safety stirrup to ride in it. The sidesaddle ones aren't easy to get as not many manufacturers still make them, mine is a repro of an antique one! :)

hi.. everyone.....

nope.....no vintage items for me...........:hysterical:

i must admit i am lucky to have any thing....:hysterical:

as we have allways said the kids come first.... so we just buy each other token pressies to open...... so the kids think that 'santa' has given us pressies too.....

its not exactly vintage.......but my mother bought me a hand steamer.. for my vintage clothes....just before christmas as she was fed up of me using her big steamer in the shop..... and actually selling on of my items there ......lol......ok it was a 1970's apron..... but it was a sale..... saved me putting it on ebay....

i need another clothes rail for the house.... so will say that is my christmas pressie to my self....
I got THE best 40s jacket from my secret santa, and some other vintage goodies which was just wonderful :wub:

The only other vintage I got was a silver 70s pendant from finland (the same maker as my grandmothers one I've asked about on here before). It's very cool, shaped like a littel cowbell and stamped with reindeer, with a blue glass clapper inside. Sounds a little odd but very cool. I only got that because I bid for it myself under my husbands account and then he just paid for it!
(My first post! Hallo!)

Family and friends did buy me some vintage-style items...one friend bought a set of black satin travelling makeup and jewelery cases embroidered with an oriental motif ("I thought it would go well with your 1920s lounging pajamas, darling!"), and my mother was most chuffed with herself for buying me a long flapper length black crystal necklace and earrings. Someone else gave me a biography of the Garmen sisters, "The Beautiful and Rare", on the strength of a lovely 1920 portrait of Kathleen on the cover.

I've been using the excuse that "this is my Christmas present for myself!" to justify buying all sorts of vintage items for the last month or so. Just purchased a 20s organza yesterday, still using that reasoning.
Hi and welcome!!

Sounds like you have a nifty family.

My husband bought me a vintage cashmere coat last christmas - i really love it - and i forgot to mention it. (but it was last year)
Hi Mojito

Great to see you here and welcome also .
Can i ask did put post it notes put around your house to prompt everyone to buy you vintage fashion?
Originally posted by paul
Can i ask did put post it notes put around your house to prompt everyone to buy you vintage fashion?
Lol! No, but that's a good idea!

I tend to be very clear in what I'm passionate about...but more importantly, I am very fortunate in having a circle of family and friends who like to give good presents.

Do people remember the episode of the 'Simpsons' when Homer gave Marge a bowling ball with "Homer" emblazed across it? Whenever one of us gives a present that clearly reflects their own interests (rather than focusing on the recipient), the rhetorical question is posed "so...it was a bit of a Bowling Ball Called Homer, hmmm?" Or we freely admit it - "Here's a box of liquor truffles...it's a bit of a Homer Bowling Ball".

I had a few Bowling Ball Called Homer moments this Christmas. I bought my father the entire "Jeeves and Wooster" series (he loves it), and a vintage beaded 20s dress for a friend - with the assurance that if she didn't like it, I'd be happy to keep it and buy her something else...
Originally posted by Mojito

a vintage beaded 20s dress for a friend - with the assurance that if she didn't like it, I'd be happy to keep it and buy her something else...

Thats a great idea! Even better would be to buy the vintage gifts in your size only, so "oops, too bad it doesn't fit, I guess I will just have to keep it then"
