Displaying pants


VFG Treasurer
Hi all,

I have a question regarding displaying and photographing pants. I have been staying away from selling vintage pants and shorts since I have no idea how to display them. They don't fit on my mannequin at all and I feel photographing them lying flat seems to not give the buyer any idea on what the cut is. I don't have a person to model them either. Well I picked up some really pretty NOS pants and shorts I just couldn't resist for the first time and now I really hope to show them in the most appealing but also informative way to the buyer.
Any recommendations from the pros?

I find that pants, in order to sell, need to be modeled or on a mannequin. It's just best for the visual online shopper. I have hung them on a clean wall and photographed them and that's been ok. Here's a pair of mariachi pants we photographed both ways, had to because of the ornamentation on the pants...


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for my mannequins, i simply lift her/him off the stand, slip the trousers on the rod, put the mannequin back on, and slip the pants up on her/him.

not sure how yours is configured, but that's how all mine work. :)

here's a back shot of a pair of jeans on our male mannequin


and here's a pair of shorts on one of girls:

On the dress form with the pole in the thigh there's a little knob inside there that you should be able to turn and loosen to pull the dress form up and then tighten again after doing what Mary said.
Thank you all! I think I managed to get them on the mannequin but since mine is more a dress form than an actual mannequin and has no legs, it doesn't look good or natural in the back at all. They probably won't sell with this look which is such a pity since they are marvelous. If you have seen any other creative ways to display pants, I would love to hear.

Thanks again,
They probably won't sell with this look which is such a pity since they are marvelous.

since you have now invested in some (great) shorts and pants, I would suggest you consider investing in a mannequin that has a backside...they are less expensive than they used to be, and really do help to sell your inventory...and I would imagine they will help you make more money for them by displaying them on a mannequin/live model. And, if you plan to continue selling vintage, you will find they are super handy to have, whenever you need it, it'd be there for you to use. :)

you might want to check to see if there is a second hand store display near you; we picked our guy up at a Habitat store, and the female form was from a second hand place and was ridiculously inexpensive (and we didn't have to pay the shipping, which can get nutty for these).

wishing you luck with this, Victoria!