do i go back in the cold and buy? - or stay in with the fire on!


VFG Secretary
afternoon all! just a quick post before i do some listings..

had a quick wander into town this morning and as usual checked out the charity/thrift shops.
(just to put you in the picture it is freezing and miserable and there are millions of crazy people christmas shopping. in november- i ask you!)
anyway, all the places i stopped by have their big winter coats out, and i saw a rather pretty grey aquascutum long length coat, i reckon 50's/60's, lined in a kind of mauve (just like chris' recent purse post!).excellent condition in my brief going over, aside form one little notch in the lining.
also a big dog tooth check black and white 60's knee length coat with a semi-belt thing at the back, good quality, lined and again condition looked great.

now i had a grumpy toddler, pushchair already loaded with a few other bags, was hot (and decidedly bothered by aforementioned festive shoppers), so i left them. plus i didn't have enough cash on me and the long walk back to the bank pretty much decided it for me!

question is is it worth going back, maybe just for the aquascutum? how much would you pay? (ish!) i don't really need any more coats, but a bargain is always worth having!

I am no expert on aquascutum, but just know they are excellent quality. If they both fit you, I would definitely say go for it.

Dog tooth check 60s coat = tweeds, houndstooth/dogtooth checks/anything dapper like that is "in" (or just check the size and send it to ME HA HA HA HA I think Lin and I would be fighting over it.). So i say get it, but that is just my personal leaning and might not have anything to do with reality :)
I would go for them both - if they don't work for you, just donate them to me!

Good quality and lots of style - if they are reasonably priced, I'd go for it!

I'd get them for resale if they are under $10, in great shape and you have room to store them until next fall.

I am finding the coat season is already over on ebay. Sigh.

hmm, think i will sleep on it. i think i am just a coat addict, and sometimes i need telling when to stop!!

i often have to apply the 'well, if it's still there next time' rule on things. lets face it, if you walk away from something you can't want it enough!

back in town on friday so we shall see... thanks for the opinions!

I agree. I did sell a coat last night but it is mostly over. However, now is when I get my coats for the next year, especially when they go on clearance.
Yep, mu Aquascutum tweed coat and the raspberry leather coat have both died on ebay once, and are now in my ebay store - both getting lots of hits, but no bids! :(
well i am behind the times because i am just now wrapped up in a blanket and thinking about winter coats, Its 59 degrees Fahrenheit as I speak and it is just too darn cold!
My Aquascutum tweed coat just sold on ebay today - second listing, and at the opening price. ;-) But seems no-one likes the 70s raspberry leather coat, which will be going into my Mall store shortly.