Do these gals at auctions know more than I do?


VFG Member
I've been playing vintage for a long time, and feel I've got a good handle on cleaning, storing, and all that jazz. So I go to auctions on occasion, estate sales when I can, and am always amazed to see buyers scrambling and paying good money for Victorian and Edwardian stuff with visible mold, shatters, holes, obvious nibbles from larger than moth critters.
What do these gals know that I don't? How are they cleaning these things?...or are they? These aren't things you can submerge in water, certainly not bleach. I'm under the impression that the only thing that will KILL mold is bleach...right?
The last auction I went to I saw "these gals" as I call them place multiple bids on handfulls of 40s-70s hats, none of which were amazing, in water stained, torn, and molding boxes, with colorful spores visible even in poor light. I was shocked! I wouldn't have allowed those in my house, let alone my studio/storeroom with my other stock.

Is it the same where you are?
Am I missing something? Too picky?

You are not the stupid one. I have seen the exact same thing happen. I know one dress in a store in Toronto that has been there for at least 15 years. The funny thing is she keeps upping the price! I didn't buy it for $65.00 in the early 90s and I sure as hell am not going to pay $400.00 for it now!

I have also been approached by people who buy things like that and try to donate them to museums for BIG tax receipts years later when they realize the can't sell their items at a profit.
I always find that at antique stores that don't have much in the way of vintage clothing usually have a dressform or two with one old damaged vintage or victorian dress displayed and the price is always way high. And there are usually a bunch of hats somewhere too.
Those people are dopes.... People here grab what ever and run.... It is smart to let something go rather then to buy damaged stuff.... I think people think they are missing something and grab whatever....

YOu are missing nothing, but understand he feeling

You are the wise shopper.

I see this too, and wonder what on earth they are going to do with damaged goods.

I bet they wonder the same down the road.

Well, good to know I'm thinking right. I talked with a lady at this last sale who does needle work, and she paid a good sum for a pile of Vict whites, but said she plans on using them for study and reference. At least cotton whites can be laundered, and I see endless value in her purpose.

The others that were paying $15 for a nappy-ass box (pardon French) with two mold furry hats were dealers! Betcha they'll just brush off the mold and toss it to the antique mall. Grr!
They risk bringing home moth eggs, too. I am always floored by the outrageous prices that some "Thrift" shops are asking for a dress that I can get on ebay for a tenth of the price. They do, and they don't bother to check ebay prices, which can be a pain for buyers, either way ! I wonder if microwave would kill moths ? Might also melt buttons, and spark metal. Better to ask experts.