Does anyone recognize this mark on this artisan necklace?

carla rey

VFG Member
Hi all!

Parelli? Panelli? Farelli?

It's marked 925 and another number with a star

2022-03-05 16.01.00.png
2022-03-05 16.19.30.jpg

2022-03-05 16.01.00.png 2022-03-05 16.19.30.jpg
I checked both Morning Glory and CJCI/RCJ, and cannot find that signature. I'm assuming, though, it starts with a "P". When you look at it under a loupe, what is your very best guess of the letters involved? That might help. And I'm thinking somebody will know that mark.

Looks modern.
When I look thru a loupe the last four letters are definitely elli. I showed it to my jewelry guru and she also did not know the name, but she said it was 1980s electroplated silver. Thank you for looking for those marks, I appreciate it.