Does this title sound ok?


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Vintage 60's Gold 2 Piece Suit w/Fur Cuffs?

Is there a better way to describe the fabric? It's like "bubbly".
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It looks like a gold and turquoise imetallic brocade to me....

It might also be a crepe fabric its really hard to tell without a closeup...

Could you show us a closeup?

Your photos are very nice by the way but sometimes us folks even with specs have trouble seeing what the true fabric is...

I would try to find a spiffier angle...really grab em...

i have to think of something..

"Green N Gold Glam"......

metion Suit but also say "Dress + Jacket"
Sure no problem! I never want to post too many pics, so I hold off on the close-ups ;)
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Also, it's almost as though the gold is "lifted" off of the dress, if that makes sense.
need a better closeup but it could be a matelasse brocade.

I agree with Chris.....something like "POSH! 60s Metallic Brocade Dress &
Coat FUR Trimmed -S" (or whatever the size is)

(I think that is exactly 55 figures)

I don't think I would use suit for this. This is more glam and
cocktail....suit sounds more business
