Don't laugh! Is this hat/headpiece on correctly?


VFG Secretary
Don\'t laugh! Is this hat/headpiece on correctly?

My Granda appeared last week with this wrapped in a bit of kitchen paper and an informative " My wife wore this on her head when we got married". (Can you tell he has little faith in my intuition)..
My grandmother died just over a year ago, and I think they were married in 1947. I saved the suit just as he was about to throw it out ("Don't know what's in there, some old bits of fabric") and since then have instructed him to never throw anything away without consulting me!

Anyway, question is - is it meant to be at this jaunty angle?

It was a bit hard to keep on the head thing as it's on an elasticated band that I had no way of securing at the back. 'Scuse the poor pic and kitsch 'salon' chair that my entire family hate, just a quick snap!

Is that totally wrong, or ok? I know it doesn't really matter, but I would like to know for my own satisfaction. I don't have a wedding picture or anything to go on unfortunately.

Here's the suit btw, sadly the rayon crepe has done that thing that old rayon crepe does where the dye fades and goes a bit weird and mottled. The biggest shoulder pads I've felt in a 40s outfit, not that apparent here!

LOVE THE CHAIR!!! And what a fabulous bust! Unfortunately, no help with hat angle.
