Don't you hate it when your too fat to get into your fav vintage dress?

Don\'t you hate it when your too fat to get into your fav vintage dress?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this dress!


I bought it last year and I just got into it then at 11 1/2 stone (161 lbs) but I tried to get into it for Halloween and had a rude shock. I couldn't even do up the zipper!!!!!:damnit:

I'm now a whole 15 lbs heavier and doubt that i'll loose the weight. Now i know what my mum was talking about "the older you get"!:(

I thought you had just had a big weight loss before your wedding.

I feel for you, sister. I can't fit into anything vintage unless it's a vintage car. If I ain't too wide I'm too long.

Pass the pie. :violins:
Heh, pass the pie is right. I just had a piece of leftover pecan pie for breakfast.

Such an adorable dress, Lei! I know how you feel. This is my own personal heartbreaker:


I'm a big poker fan, and I used to love to wear this to the table, back when I was a size 10. Broke my heart to sell it five years ago. But I can't bring myself to delete the photo!

Originally posted by hatfeathers
I thought you had just had a big weight loss before your wedding.

I feel for you, sister. I can't fit into anything vintage unless it's a vintage car. If I ain't too wide I'm too long.

Pass the pie. :violins:

I did late 2006- 2007! But then Terry's Chocolate All Golds ruined me in March 2008 and the weight never came off :(

Such a lovely dress, Lei! Stunning color!

I have a 50's lace over taffeta party dress that fit me when I bought it about 6 years ago. Never had the occasion to wear it, and now it's too small. But I can't bear to part with it. I keep promising myself I'm going to lose those 20 or so pounds I've put on since then.... Of course, that was before menopause--losing that much now is likely to be impossible!

Hitting 50 and hitting menopause at the same time is NOT a formula for weight loss!
I dont even try anymore....but I am trying to lose some weight to get into a few things!!! I hate gravity and getting older (turned 39, for reals, on Thanksgiving!)

Well just buy a new dress!!

Easier then losing weight. Iam on this no wheat, yeast most dairy, and no meat just fish diet. Its torture but lost a ton. Also lost my mind.

I think Oprah is donating all her size dresses to various charities.She is keeping it at a size 12.
