dress from the 30s/40s?


Registered Guest
I have a question about the dating of the dress... It was definitely a wedding or evening dress, it had a train but it was shortened... It has triangular shoulder pads. It is beautifully written. The material is probably rayon .... it burns and smells like paper. I will be grateful for help:)

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I think it's unlikely to be 40s, it really does look like a lot of wedding dresses that I have handled that were worn in 1950-51 and maybe just into 1952. - it's that collar shape, the small shoulder pad, that type of rayon damask, the side zipper in a silver metal (silver metal became more used than brass which was in short supply and brass was needed for shells and bullets for the Korean war).
Myślę, że to mało prawdopodobne, by to były lata 40., naprawdę wygląda na to, że wiele sukien ślubnych, z którymi miałam do czynienia, było noszonych w latach 1950-51, a może dopiero w 1952. - to ten kształt kołnierzyka, mała poduszka na ramię, ten rodzaj sztucznego jedwabiu, boczny zamek ze srebrnego metalu (srebrny metal stał się bardziej używany niż mosiądz, którego brakowało, a mosiądz był potrzebny do łusek i kul podczas wojny koreańskiej) .[/CYTAT]
Thank you for the tips. I also noticed that the name Lysta made in Denmark is on the zipper. I'm from Poland, so the dress is rather European production :)
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