Dry rot?


VFG Treasurer
Hi all,

Two quick questions. I just got a large lot of various vintage pieces at an estate sale and tossed all in a large trash bag to get them home. Each garment was stored in a separate plastic garment bag. When I started taking them out I realized that one suede coat and one suede purse had dry rot. I sadly think there is no comping back to life for these even though they look beautiful. However, I am confused about a third one that I thought to be polyester or a blend. It has a very strong odor and fine powder coming off of it that’s just like dry rot. It made me cough really bad just handling it. I thought only natural fibers can get dry rot. If that’s the case, what could this be and how do I deal with it? Also, my second question is since I put all of the items in the same bag, could I have contaminated the rest of the clothing and what do I do to avoid spreading?

Thank you
I have a faux leopard coat that had that problem and I put it in a tumble dryer without heat and ran it for twenty minutes when there was already some lint in the trap, to ensure I was catching all the dust. After doing that a few times, all the powder was gone, and I still have the coat.
I have had similar problems a 1960's knitted dress, as Jonathan says it was wool bonded with a man made fibre that had broken down leaving the knitted structure unstable.