I think lately that the fashion silhouette has not only changed more rapidly than every six -ten years but one would be hard pressed at times to even say what it is.
Excactly what I thought first when I read the question... And it often strikes me, it's so much the same everywhere - like so many brands and shops exist pretty much all over the world, and you could buy something at H&M (they do have nice things though, no question!) and see somebody living on the other side of the globe wearing exactly the same - sometimes I miss a bit of individuality.
I love going abroad and finding shops (even if they're mass-market) that we don't have here, and I am even more looking out for "special" small shops who do not carry just mainstream stuff. That's a reason why I love going to places like Vienna, Helsinki or Montreal (incidentally, these are my favourite cities
!), because I usually find that kind of stuff there - be it vintage, a label that's not available here or some small creative shop with their own stuff.
Yes, a lot of the trends in the last years have been retro - even retro that I remember (80ies - though I still like the looks). Didn't mind the leggings coming back though, I always loved them and still do. Me being younger and not having lived the whole 50s/60s/70s the first time round, I did like these trends, but never did them totally. My mother keeps saying "oh, if I had kept this and that from my wardrobe" (of the 60s/70s)... well, I wish too, she had some fab stuff! She's always been fashionable, and she has always sewn a lot of her own clothes and still does, only nowadays, she often uses vintage patterns, though she uses modern fabric, so the look in the end is never totally retro - just totally her.
There are new looks, that I see and pick up because I like them, but often I make my own "interpretation" of them. Like the skinny jeans, when they came up - if you had told me that four years ago, I would have sworn I'd never wear any other shape of jeans than bootcut or bellbottom! In the end, I realised they're not too bad, and they do fit me. Never say never! ;) But with a heap of wonderful bellbottom jeans in my closet, that fit beautifully, I didn't go out, buy a ton of skinny jeans and throw the old ones away - I ended up changing several pairs of bellbottoms into skinnys and I still love them.
As for the "maternity tops" - I have a few (but one's a very outer-wearable piece of vintage underwear!). Honestly speaking, I never gave the "meaning" of it much thought. Those that I have I bought because I liked them, but I am careful, not a lot of them look good, and it's really easy to not look good in them...
I've never considered myself a total follower of fashion - I used to buy a lot at typical mainstream stores like H&M, Benetton etc., but never followed a trend for it's sake - I only ever by what I like. For the last 10-12 years, I've always been wearing vintage pieces too - a lot of it just "everyday" stuff that I like, that's usually easily washable, and over the year, the vintage pieces have become more and more. My clothes, if they are fairly well-made, usually "live" in my closet til they almost fall apart (and some of the vintage stuff is quite long living!
). So I wear "out of season" stuff a lot too! Sometimes it just has to stay in my closet long enough, and it comes into fashion again, like my little H&M needle-stripe waistcoat that I've had for over 10 years :spin: Isn't this just a sign for how crazy these times are? And that's what I think they are.
I like to think like my best friend. She has a little fashion blog on Facebook, and she really has a great eye for mixing pieces and styles, and making them look good. As she says, her goal is not to look too much like "got out of bed and groped blindly in my closet", but also not to make it look like it's trying too hard - or too "fashion victim".
I don't read fashion magazines, the Sunday newspaper's style section is enough for me to know what's going on - plus what I see in the streets. I think nowadays it's more fun to dress how one feels than what fashion dictates - it's just so "the same everywhere".
Just today at lunch I saw a girl from another department wearing a purple "maternity" top, and one of my co-workers said to another one, "isn't that the top that you have too?". To which the other one replied "yes, I have it in green and pink, and it's from" "H&M!". Need I say more? :duh:
So, are we in for a change? Yup, looking forward to it, it's overdue, but I fear it'll be something more that we've seen before... (or totally unwearable) may the style change or not, I'll do what I like.