Dying 100% Camel Fur Pink Coat?


Registered Guest
I read online one can dye it but wonder if anyone ever had?
I have a coat that has the shoulders and down sleeves faded from rest of coat due to being in the sun or hanging a long time or something. If I dyed it wondering if this would be magnified or not dyed evenly. Thanks. Sandy
I've dyed a '50s camel coat - I got henna on the collar and was hoping it would improve the spots. It was sage green and I dyed it bottle green, it came out a treat although I had to use hot water for the process which shrunk it a bit. You could still see the spots but they were much better.

I don't generally recommend dyeing garments to hide marks as it can often highlight them even more - it depends on the coat, the colour, the marks, but if you have nothing to lose it can be worth it. If you're hesitant, you might like to see if you can find a professional dyer.

I find that sun fading is very hard to cover though and is unlikely to be successful. You could try hand applying the dye to the affected areas but you're still risking an uneven finish.
Thank you. It is by Fleurette.


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