Early apron??? Not sure what to call it.


VFG Member
Hi All!

It's been a bit since I've posted, not out of choice mind you but I have recently started a RL job, I actualy wasn't looking for it just kind of fell into my lap and I am not someone to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Anyway, I'm hoping to list some early items I have that I have not been able to locate info on with the books that I have.

This first piece is what I think would qualify as an apron but I have never seen one like it. There is no front just 2 side panels with a type of pleating I'm not sure what to call.

Front, should this be folded down?


Side, kinda showing the front folded down.


Back view, the bow is fixed, the closures are hook and eye. Sorry I thought I had better pics of the back closures. I will post better pics of it later


Anyone seen anything similiar? Does this have a name? Any idea on a date? I was thinking mid to late 1800s but I realize that encompasses a wide time frame, I was hoping to narrow it down.

Thanks so much for any help. I'll be asking about some other early items later. Got to get to bed, work tomorrow!

I think its a panier overskirt for a dress from c. 1917 - 1921. There would have been a plain dress in the same material and you put this over it. The belt would be a wide obi-like or cummerbund sash belt.
I've never seen or heard of one of these before, but my guess was the same as Jonathan's, as I have seen panniers like this attached to dresses of the period. I just didn't realize that they were also made as separate overskirts.

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to the thread, life has been busier since starting the new job.

Thank you for the info, I actually thought it might be a panier but the info I found all described them as attached and at a much earlier date.
(Note to self, research more thoroughly)
