Easter Egg Colors Purse & Shoes....Should I list These Together??


VFG Member
I have a question....I am trying to decide whether I should list this gorgeous purse & matching shoes set together or separate them and list at the same time?

Pics to follow...all opinions welcome!




I am a big fan of keeping sets together. I guess I have been to too many sales where the seller bemoaned : "I used to have a purse that matched that"

You can always sell them separtely but at the same time with a note that the other is available

HI, As someone who buy a lot off the internet, I think that they should list them together, but that is from a buyers point of view. I would hate to see the pair broken up as a collector. Well thats just my point of view. Where are you going to list if you don't mind me asking??? Lorraine
I agree with both Hollis & Lorraine, that is my dilema. I keep arguing both sides of the question to myself.
What to do...what to do...what to do!

I am aiming to list a bunch of things on Monday night including this set if I stick to my schedule.

Also the shoes are a size 6 AAA/AAAA so they will need to find someone with a narrow foot.

Cat :puzzled:
a couple of years ago some incredible glassware came up on ebay...there were pilsners, rocks and tumblers, all matching, but listed separately. They (unfortunately?) struck a chord with me, and i just hadta have them...

happily, i won all three auctions, but i paid WAAAAAYY more than i would have if i would have seen them listed as a set.

moral of the story: it is VERY nice to see a set listed together, but i would do as Hollis suggested, sell them separately, but definetly at the same time, w/mention of available now, and that you happily combine to reduce shipping!!

I have two amazing sets that include a pair of shoes (in a very narrow size as well) and the purses. I did't get any interest when I listed them together... I'm going to relist them soon and do it seperately. There may be someone who loves the purse but doesn't fit the shoes. I do understand the collectors point of view. But if you list them at the same time and combine shipping, I think that would solve that problem.

I have not bid on items that were separated in the past by dealers because there is no guarantee that I will be able to get both parts. This goes not even just for sets, like yours but also original shoes worn with a dress.

There was a Fortuny dress and jacket that was separated a while back and I would have bid on the two together but I didn't even put in a palty bid on the two separated.