Edith Head - Airport Collection


Registered Guest
I'm looking for advice in cleaning this dress. It still has all of the tags but no care instructions. The label says 50% Trevira and 50% Rayon. The collar, trim, and cuffs are vinyl. The lining feels like Rayon.

Hand wash or dry clean? I'm sure my local dry cleaner doesn't have any experience with vintage clothes.

I plan to gently wipe clean the vinyl with mild soap and water, and then just give the dress a good airing to freshen it, but at some point it will need more.






This dress was left to me by my awesome friend Tiki-Kate. I will be wearing it in her honor.
A google search told me that Edith Head designed the clothes for the Airport movies, and also designed uniforms for Delta and Pan Am. I'm not sure which airline this dress was for.
Trevira is a kind of polyester so I would hand wash, even with the vinyl. My dry cleaner won't clean these anyway, so I have to wash and so far, so good.

Cute '60s styling. I can see it with a matching white hat.

My dry cleaner refused a dress I had with vinyl pockets. She said the cleaning process would dry and crack the vinyl. She was able to spot clean it though. Is the dress lined? If so, I'd be very careful of washing it. I would put dress shields at the underarms when wearing to help stave off the inevitable day when it will have to be cleaned by some method or another.

I had no idea Edith Head designed for airlines. That is a really cute dress!
Okay, don't tell any conservators I said this.... but try windex on the vinyl - it works great!

I read somewhere that Edith Head's only 'fashion' line of clothes was the Airport line she did in 1970, otherwise it was patterns, uniforms, and, of course, film costuming.
Thanks for the tips! A little Windex on a cotton ball did a great job cleaning the vinyl.

Jody, I will definitely get dress shields for the dress.

Jonathan, I'm glad you remembered reading about this collection. It helps to know that this was a fashion line and not a uniform, and also the year.

if there's any interest I'll add the label to the resource thread.

It really is a cool dress, it just doesn't show up well in a cell phone photo. I'll try to get a better shot this weekend.

Thanks again!
Well, here it is on me...


It feels tight across the shoulders, but it's OK if I don't raise my arms too high. I guess I won't be stowing my luggage in the overhead compartment while I'm wearing this!
Fantastic find! Thank goodness for Jonathan's memory!

It does look great on you. The shoulders from 1970 fit snugger (is that a word??!!) than they do today, and so the fit is probably correct.
I found a much better image of the same type of dress:


I've got the white vinyl boots, but still looking for the right hat!
Sound as if you cannot change a light bulb whist wearing it, it looks fabulous on you I have to say. Do keep looking for the hat