Edward Mesrobian? Maxi Dress


Registered Guest
I've Googled "Edward Mesrobian" but can't find any info. It's a maxi dress with bright floral design and there's a signature "Dufy" in some of the flowers. Anybody know anything about this designer? Any info appreciated...thank you!

Thank you for your reply! I did find Raoul Dufy but when I compared signatures they didn't look the same so I wasn't sure it was him.
OK, that signature looks more like the one on the dress, thanks!

Now, has anyone ever heard of Edward Mesrobian? I just can't find anything on him.
Can you post a picture of the whole dress?

I'd be very surprised to find Raoul Dufy (who died in the early 50s and whose fabric designs were very influential much earlier in the century) connected with a maxi dress...

Here's a link to an article about his fabric designs that has some examples pictured:


An allusion to Dufy, perhaps? Or someone else with the same last name?
I was surprised too.

Raoul does have a lesser known brother, Jean Dufy, and they both did fabrics as well as paintings. However, the little I can see of the fabric does seem to be in the style of Raoul's flower paintings (more so perhaps than it is of his fabric designs), so I suspect if it's not a genuine Dufy fabric design, it's a homage / allusion / ripoff of Raoul Dufy, rather than an entirely different artist. And the signature is pretty close.
In 1967 Edward Mesrobian had a "cubbyhole firm of the same name" in Watertown Mass. An article about him noted that he "was driving a dry-cleaning truck for $65 a week, always yearning inwardly to design." He was supporting his family and a brother in medical school at the time, so he had neither the money nor time he needed to go to design school. The opportunity to pursue his dream arose when "the giant firm of Baron-Peters offered him a job as designer-apprentice" for $35 week. He took the job and found himself working from 1-10 daily. From it all he learned design and although he never had partners or financial backing, he already made a name for himself by the two years following the establishment of his firm in 1965.
Here's an example of of what I mean about the similar style to Dufy's flower paintings - the sketchy, scribbly, outlines in black, with loose blocks of colour.

I too would like to see the whole dress.