Edwardian or 1930's? Plastic chain & framed brocade handbag


It's a conundrum to me: in Roseann's Handbags book I have, I've found the same plastic frame & chain design in the Edwardian & 1930's periods but I've only seen this triangular / trapeze shape of brocade bag in the Edwardian section, though not with the same handle. It does have that ruched ribbon trim going round the inside which is making me hedge towards Edwardian. How old do you think it is?


Hmm it certainly feels like plastic to me, I've held other shells but not tortoiseshell, though both the chain and handle loops have markings on them where they have been filed down, this could be if they came out of a mould if plastic, or how they were made if it were shell I guess. Does tortoiseshell come this thick? The links are about 4mm. Don't know if it's important but only every other link has a cut in it.
You could try doing a hot water test. I think it looks like Celluloid and if it's older it will smell like Camphor if you get it wet. If it's newer and is Cellulose Acetate it will have a sweetish vinegary smell. If it's tortoise it will smell like burnt hair.

Thank you Maxine and Linn for that test I will try it. Do you think the handle material will determine the era?