Emma Domb


Registered Guest
I recently bought an Emma Domb dress. It is long and form fitted. I guess you could call it a wiggle dress. It has a few (i think) fixable issues. This is the first gown I have bought specifically to resell. Does anyone know anything about Emma Domb?? I thought I've heard of it but I'm not sure.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

I will post a picture later tonight.

Thanks so much!! -Sam
Hi Sam, we'd love to see the dress!
We have a labels resource, linkable through the home page or the little link at the top of this page (with the Dior dress tag icon). Marie's link above is from the Domb entry.
I just looked at the link. My label definitely matches the 2nd one. Which would make it 1960's. I'm going up to put it on my dress form and take pics in about 2 minutes.
Hi Sam,

Please take into consideration that while the tag on the resource is from a 1960s dress, the same label could have been used a bit earlier or later. You need to use other clues to get an accurate date. The picture will definitely help.
Well I'm putting on some pictures right now.

Here is the dress itself It's a slightly lighter peach-ier color in person.


Here is the label


Now here is the scary hem that someone tried to resew themselves??


Someone also played seamstress with the front. They put teeny teeny tiny stitiches down the front. They look big from the inside but from the outside they're really not noticable because of the ruching.


And here is a piece of bias tape-y stuff that must have wound around the hem. it's safety pinned up to the top of the dress


I love the dress except for the weird homesewing things??

Here is the back view (its not zipped b/c I didn't want to adjust my manni)


What should I do to fix it? Is it sellable? Any additional info on Emma Dombs' is appreciated too

By the way excuse the pictures they were taken in my room which is at the moment rather untidy and the lighting's not the best.

Thanks Everyone!!
Hi Sam,

It looks like Audrey approves of this one! It's very pretty!

I just want to comment that those "teeny teeny tiny stitches down the front" may be original, to hold the gathers in place. Agreed that something's gone on with the hem.
I agree with Maggie about the ruching stitches, and also wouldn't worry about any mending or alterations, it's a beautiful dress and I'd sell it as is.

If it were in my shop, I'd re-do the hem, but that's just because I'm really fussy. I'd date it as early '60s, a bit like your Audrey. In Circa, you'd pay a pretty penny for it - I like Emma Dombs, they're usually pretty special and nice quality. I have an late 40s-early 50s ballgown and bolero that will photographed for my book.
Yes. the tiny stitches might be original. Considering the fact that they are the perfect color, really tiny, and pretty much entirely covered by the ruching. I think i might tack the hem up and tell potential buyers that they can permanently fix it, or leave it as is. Early sixties sounds right to me for the era. Thank you everyone for all the advice! More is always appreciated.

Maggie-Haha thanks for noticing my Audrey Hepburn poster amongst my clutter. I love her and this dress sort of reminds me of her.

Nicole-You're writing a book?? Thats cool. When will it be out?
When will it be out? Hopefully later this year - assuming I get the damn thing written! Too many lovely distractions like the VFG....at least you're all a valuable distraction. I learn so much here.

Seriously though, the photos are the best bit. We've taken quite a few and I'm currently setting up for about another 100 or so. I can't wait! It's going to be lots of fun - so nice to finally share some of my goodies with the world, not to mention wisdom and knowledge. I'll let you all know when it's ready, that's for sure :)
Certainly list as is, especially if you don't have a great seamstress to do the hem. Gals come in all sorts of lengths, so in the condition description, play up that the hem will need to be finished, and it will be a great opportunity for the buyer to customize the dress to their height.
It's lovely indeed....I'd hold it just for another couple of weeks if listing on ebay. Then put it up for the prom crowd.
Nicole- Congratulations on your book! Can't wait for it to come out.

Hatfeathers-Thank you for all your help. I totally forgot about prom and all the spring dances. I'll play up that aspect in my listing. Also leaving the hem alone so it can be customized might be good (especially since I'm not the best seamstress)
