Enid Collins Authenticity:


Registered Guest
Hello All!

I'm a first time poster and brand new member of the public forums here on VFG. I joined specifically to inquire about an Enid Collins bag I recently acquired. I hope someone here can help!

I have been scouring the internet and inspecting the box bag itself for what feels like all day! Unfortunately I haven't found any solid answers or pictures to help me out--which gives me a funny feeling about it. Help! I'm stumped as to the bags copyright date and authenticity.


The wooden box bag is titled "roadrunner" and is painted at the bottom left hand corner. It puzzles me that the word "road" isn't over "runner" as are most of the other titles with her themed bags. I noticed a lot of the titles of the diy Enid Collins bags are right next to each other. I don't know if that's just a coincidence or.... ?

The bottom right hand corner has a small ec over ©.


Inside the box bag is a mirror and on the opposite side is stamped "copyright enid collins." It appears that the "igh" in copyright is smudged. :(

Any help or insight about this bag would be GREATLY appreciated!

My gut is its real and its earlier. I wonder if the smudge isn't just the woodgrain. Usually fakes are purses "in the style of" and don't copy her exact styles. I have never seen a fake enid collins bag that actually said enid collins on it but then there is a first for everything. I am wondering if the "smudge" is not ink but part of the woodgrain - like a dark mark. However, there are people who are bigger experts on Collins than I.

The funny thing is Enid Collins did some variations on themes - I have seen different styles of road runners with the jewels up the neck

I did a little digging and found that Lizzie had an article about it that shows that very "copyright Enid Collins" mark.

Thanks for your quick response, patentleathershoes!

My gut feeling was the same, but the more I looked at it and the more I searched the web to find anything pertaining to this specific roadrunner bag, I got nervous!

Hmmm, I never thought of it being the woodgrain, that would make sense, too. :eureka:

Thanks for the link to the Enid Collins article. I read that one a little earlier today while on my mission--it made me feel better about the authenticity when I saw her picture of the same copyright mark.

Again, thank you. You've been helpful!
Well, I wasn't necessarily referring specifically to the "kit" bags. I'm unsure if there were other DIY bags that Enid Collins came out with aside from the "kit" bags and the canvas bucket bag kits that I don't have knowledge of.
That is a real Collins Box Bag. I have seen the exact one before and have quite a few similar in my collection.

Everything about this one from the hardware, to the mirror, to the stamp inside is Enid Collins. Most of the DIY styles are the canvas bags as opposed to the boxes, plus they would not have the same hardware and all.

I am 99.99999% sure that it is authentic!
Hooray! That's good news! Thanks so much, thevintagevortex!

You wouldn't happen to know what year it's from, would you?
Sure, no problem!

Your box bag was made before the company was sold to Tandy in 1970, this is evidenced by the stamp inside and the ec trademark in the right hand corner on the outside. After the sale in 1970, you will see the horse jumping over the moon logo and the Collins of Texas stamp. So I would think mid to late 60's due to the hardware and mirror.

I have the exact box in the "Night Owl" theme. I also have some of her canvas bags, and larger box bags, but this is my favorite size. Enjoy your treasure!