Enid Collins help please


I just love the box bags, and cannot pass them up. I know Tandy bought the company in the early 70s, but otherwise, is there a way to place a date on these? When did Collins first start making these?

Here's my latest:

<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax1.jpg>
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax.jpg>
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax2.jpg>

Also, this one, Bird in Hand, just reads "copyright Enid Collins" on the inside of the bag.

<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinsbird.jpg>

Seems to me that every box bag I've ever seen is labeled differently!

When did she start making box bags?

If it says Collins of Texas, does that mean it is a Tandy bag?

I'mm full of questions today!

In the late 60s/early 70s she sold to Tandy and those purses would say "collins of texas". However, there were some regular Enid Collins purses that also said Collins of Texas but then they would also say "EC". on them.

Yours does, so i believe yours is pre-tandy. The tandy ones also a lot of times have the little horse next to the name..
Oh...and all i know is that Enid Collins and her husband moved to Texas after WWII and then she started making purses at some point. I just don't know exactly when, but i asked someone who i think might know and will let you know when they get back to me.