I just love the box bags, and cannot pass them up. I know Tandy bought the company in the early 70s, but otherwise, is there a way to place a date on these? When did Collins first start making these?
Here's my latest:
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax1.jpg>
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax.jpg>
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax2.jpg>
Also, this one, Bird in Hand, just reads "copyright Enid Collins" on the inside of the bag.
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinsbird.jpg>
Seems to me that every box bag I've ever seen is labeled differently!
Here's my latest:
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax1.jpg>
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax.jpg>
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinspax2.jpg>
Also, this one, Bird in Hand, just reads "copyright Enid Collins" on the inside of the bag.
<img src=http://members.sparedollar.com/fuzzylizzie/collinsbird.jpg>
Seems to me that every box bag I've ever seen is labeled differently!