Era for this red silk Chinese robe?


VFG Member
I think some time ago someone posted about how you can date these Chinese items by the position of the dragon ... or the number of claws ... or something. Does anyone with younger brain cells than mine remember? This came with a bunch of 30's and 40's purchases. I was thinking maybe 50's? I do remember when it was absolutely verboten to buy anything made in China.

This has only the one label/tag, no material notes.

omg, from afar that third photo looked like a halloween finger!

It's looking a lot more recent to me, like 80's or newer, particularly from the type of label, and the expression on the dragon's face, strangely!
I would have guessed 70s or 80s, just a hunch based on the tag. And that little green thing? What is that? I thought it was a hand grenade!!!!
Ho Ho - well, first, thanks for your help. I'll go with 70s. I was photographing in the greenhouse and my fingernails are a wreck. I couldn't find anything appropriate to hold down the label for the photo, so Melanie is correct - it's the end of a tool handle. And ... after photographing I found a few spots. Again, I had no coins or pointers ... so I used clothes pins to show the problem areas.
china.jpg Obviously I was not prepared to start listing again! Today I will set up my situation with more care. :drinking2: