etsy's new Treasury East

Julie, did you read through the thread about it on the Forums?

You have to hit ENTER after you input your choices.

Also you are supposed to put the listing URLs in the boxes instead of the item numbers, some people have said they could do it by item number but I had to use the URLs. I think I will try another one, I have some time to kill today...
Well, I finally tried and got one done...unfortunately it doesn't have VFG members...but I just wanted to try quickly and see how it worked and it's slightly incomplete...oh well, 1st try, I will improve!!!

here it is Seahorse Treasures

next time around I'll do one with our members!
These are fun to do , I have done 3 so far. But the views & clicks are all screwed up, they are not registering properly.

Lots of kinks to be worked out & a major outcry on the forums to impose limits on numbers made & the amount of time they can be up. They did add a delete button so you can delete your own Treasuries.