Excuse my French....is this phrase Latin?

and what does it mean

"deo libertati gloriae"

The glorius liberty?:BAGUSE:

It's on a 2 restaurantware plates with the wierdest looking mean cat face I've ever seen.

I'm guess some fraternal orginization logo?

No it's not God. Sometimes it gets translated like that because of that hymm. Gloria in excelsis deo which has taken on the meaning Glory to god in the highest.
Fame and glory have the same meaning in Latin....
How about
Glory to freedom
Now I'll be thinking about this all day! LOL

All that will give me some more to go on.
I like to try to figure out where they were used.

I was thinning out my everyday plates.
I always gravitate to a certain few and these 2 haven't had much action.
Must be that mean cat makes them stay in the cupboard.
They will probably go out to the antique mall eventually.
my eArly latin classes were horrific, l gave it up, but l think its

God, freedom, glory
I took latin in high school and I don't remember a thing :D

i would have guessed God, freedom, glory.